Logo von Four Pack Verpackungssysteme Logo von Four Pack Verpackungssysteme

Four-Pack GmbH

Wiechmannsallee 3
D-27798 Hude / Altmoorhausen
Phone: +49 (0) 4484 / 29 99 70
E-Mail: info(at)four-pack.de

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We offer packaging systems in metal, plastic and textiles, for safe and efficient transportation. Our experience enables you to transport your goods in professional packaging »

Our manufacturing is flexible and adjustable to client requirements. Our team provides tailored advice about packaging development or selecting existing solutions »

Four Pack GmbH is your reliable specialist for packaging systems and packaging development. Our many years of experience together with state-of-the-art technology, innovation, and first-class service from design right through to on-site quality control guarantee a high-quality result. At Four Pack GmbH, there is an excellent solution for every challenge.


The following pages offer you a first look at the range of services we offer. You are also welcome to contact us at any time to discuss your specific situation.

+49 (0) 4484 / 29 99 70
Mo - Fr 8:00 - 16:30

Load carriers
From development to mass production

Four Pack is your skilled partner for the development and manufacture of storage and transportation systems. We have many years of experience in constructing and building specialised load carriers, sequencing racks, and JIT racks for the automotive supply industry. In combination with our expertise in fulfilling European quality and industry standards, this makes us a very reliable partner.

Development and manufacture
Good planning is half the battle

Concepts are created using Siemens NX, and these serve as patterns for the design work. CAD design is a mainstay in the manufacturing process and requires the greatest care and experience. That's why this area has such a great significance for us. Client requests can be accommodated at any time in the planning process.

Prototype construction
Models and prototypes for storage and transportation projects

Prototypes are built in our own manufacturing plant in Oldenburg. Our qualified specialist staff and state-of-the-art technology facilitate rapid progression from initial concept to prototype.

Mass production
Cost-efficient production solutions

Smaller mass-produced batches can also be completed in Oldenburg. Larger mass-produced orders are completed by qualified partner companies, for example in Poland. Experienced Four Pack employees ensure that all quality standards are met on-site, no matter where the manufacturing is performed.